C’mo make crepes

The crepes (crêpes, to say it in French) is one of those things that we can not stop to try if you travel to the country of cheese and wine. France is famous for their crepes, sweet or salty. Therefore, in order that viajéis a little from the kitchen, we will tell you how to prepare the crepes well in the traditional style French. Then, You use your imagination!
In today's article we will see how to prepare some delicious pancakes:
- Ingredients that we need
- The step-by-step until you achieve the crepes
- Recommendations
Index of the article
- 1 Ingredients:
- 2 Preparation:
- 3 Recommendations
- 125 gr of flour
- 5 gr of sugar
- 25 gr of butter
- 1 eggs
- 1/4 liter of milk
- a pinch of salt

In the first place, put about 30 seconds the butter in the microwave so that we can work it with ease. The only thing you need is melted.
In a bowl high, we're going to put the eggs together with the sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix until the ingredients are homogeneous, add slowly the flour and keep stirring to avoid the appearance of lumps, appearance of the cream is homogeneous.
Then add the melted butter and the milk little by little, to go adheriéndose of the preparation that we already have.
Put a frying pan on the fire and take a bit of butter, once it is hot, take a thin layer of the batter of crepes. This first layer is usually removed because it absorbs all the oil, but not everyone does, prove yourselves and choose.
The crepe has to be round so that you move the pan toward the sides to facilitate that cover the surface, let it brown a little and flip it. After a few seconds, pluck it out.
There are many ways to prepare crepes and they vary according to the area. Some, as is the crepe in the pan, place a piece of butter and sugar to melt, others add the sugar once it is in the dish instead of adding it in the preparation. I am of the view that as long as you know delicious, anything goes, but tradition is tradition.
It is best to serve it hot, I like to take a little bit of melted chocolate on the inside, close the crepe and sprinkle with cinnamon on top. Serve it hot and... oh, you Get into heaven with so much delight!
As with the pancakes american, you can serve the pancakes alone, with jam, nutella, whipped cream, ice cream... All what you like and what you like the most.
Do we do any recommendation?